Saturday, October 1, 2011
“各姓氏兒童歡樂營 2011”開始接受報名
Friday, April 15, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
2011 Penang CNY Photo Contest Prize Giving Ceremony
Location: Canon Malaysia, Penang Branch, Anson Road, Penang
2011 Penang CNY Photo Contest Open Category Winners
By: Yew Tiam Seong
First Prize
Title: 挽臉
By: Tai Lee Wen
Second Prize
Title: 廿四節令鼓
By: Ong Pang Wei
Third Prize
Title: 畫臉
By: Ooi Aik Lye
Commendation Prize
Title: Lion, Kids & Bunny
By: Lim Lean Eng
Commendation Prize
Title: 有誰來買我的孤單
By: Tan Siang Wei
Commendation Prize
Title: 喜氣洋洋過兔年
By: Tan Kean Leong
Commendation Prize
Title: 跨躍
By: Siew Chia En
Commendation Prize
2011 Penang CNY Photo Contest Student Category Winners
By: Winnie Lee Chiao En
First Prize
Title: Love & Joy
By: Lee Siau Hui
Second Prize
Title: Dance of the Dragon
By: Andrei Tan
Third Prize
Title: 姐姐,給我一串
By: Yeoh Xin Yi
Commendation Prize
Title: New Age X Old Trade
By: Lee Siau Hui
Commendation Prize
Title: Festive Drum
By: Andrei Tan
Commendation Prize
Title: 1 Malaysia Chingay
By: Andrei Tan
Commendation Prize
Title: 復古少女
By: Lee Seng How
Commendation Prize
2011 Penang CNY Photo Contest Media Category Winners
By: Chen Wei Hong
First Prize
Title: 祥龍賀新歲
By: Chuah Khye Kok
Second Prize
Title: 人肉象棋擂台
By: Chan Boon Kai
Third Prize
Title: 兔寶寶來賀年
By: Chiang Kee Chuan
Commendation Place
Title: 苦力小賭解鄉愁
By: Chuah Khye Kok
Commendation Prize
Title: 張燈結彩迎廟會
By: Chuah Khye Kok
Commendation Prize
Title: 新時代,古情懷
By: Chen Wei Hong
Commendation Prize
Title: 晝夜邊際,鬼斧神工
By: Chan Boon Kai
Commendation Prize
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Thank you and see you@Year of the Dragon!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Launching of Penang CNY Celebration 2011 Mascots
Preview of Penang CNY Celebration 2011's mascots carried the names as Perfection(second from right,圓圓,Yuan Yuan) and Cosumate(second from left,滿滿,Man Man) on 10th February 2011. Penang State Executive Councillor YB Wong Hon Wai (left) and Organising Committee Chairperson Ms Ang Yee Shyuan (right) hanging tags for these mascots.
Penang CNY 2011 Full Itinerary Lite and Hi Res Version
Monday, January 31, 2011
Preview of Penang CNY Celebration 2011's Areas on Map
Friday, January 28, 2011
Lanterns Lighting Ceremony
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Penang CNY Celebration Photo Contest 2011
Do you own a camera, no matter digital camera or film camera? If the answer is yes, come to Penang on 12th February 2011 and take up the challenge!
This is the inagural Chinese New Year Cultural and Heritage Celebration Photo Contest to be host during the day of the event, which falls on 12th February 2011, around George Town World Heritage Sites, Penang. The cash and prizes of this competition worth more than RM10,000.
This event covers Armenian Street, Ah Quee Street, Acheh Street, Cannon Street, Chulia Street, Kapitan Keling Mosque Road, Soo Hong Lane and Kampong Kolam in George Town World Heritage Sites.
The competition is co-organized by Penang Press Club, and sponsored by Canon and comprises into three categories,
(1) Media Category (Press Club members only)
(2) Student Category (Students of all academic levels)
(3) Open
Your missions are very simple, anything related to cultural events, performances, stage shows and people. Photos that you wish to submit must show the atmosphere, feelings and lively ambience of Chinese New Year Cultural & Heritage Celebration appeared in the areas as mentioned above on 12th February 2011.
For further details, please contact the person in charge Mr Ang Tong Kai (019-4138738) or email:
Rules and entry form is ready for download, you may follow us at facebook for updates too.