Saturday, October 1, 2011

“各姓氏兒童歡樂營 2011”開始接受報名

“各姓氏兒童歡樂營 2011”開始接受報名。今年特別從檳島移師到威中詩布朗再也的醒僑華小舉行,給小學生帶來不一樣的新體驗,趕緊報名咯!

由檳州各姓氏青年團聯合委員會主催,北馬鍾氏公會青年團暨檳州各姓氏青年團聯辦的“各姓氏兒童歡樂營 2011”,將於11月26日(星期六)及 11月27日(星期日)上午7時至下午6時舉行。宗旨是為在籍學童們安排一個有意義的假日活動,並促進各姓氏小宗親友愛團結精神。

這次活動以大自然、環保為主,節目包括手工藝術製作、趣味益智遊戲,激勵講座,群體活動等。媒介語為華語。這次歡樂營只限600名,公開予小學一年級至六年級的在籍學生報名參加,而聯辦單位之宗親子女或尚未參加過歡樂營者有優先權。報名費為每名30令吉,支票或匯票請志明GABUNGAN BELIA PERSATUAN KLAN CINA PULAU PINANG),費用包括膳食、T恤、背包、講義等。截止日期是10月16日或額滿為止。

報名處:梁偉民 155, Campbell Street, 10100 Penang 電話012-416 6511(中午12時至下午6時); 柯仕亮019-471 4708、019-419 5533;3. 鐘鎔懃 213 MK12,Jalan Batu Maung,11960 Pg. 電話012-429 0083;北海威省陳氏穎川堂 04-324 2386(上午9時至下午6時);北馬洪氏宗祠 Lot 1079, Lorong Segar Jaya, Mukim 14, Taman Segar Jaya,13400 Butterworth,04-331 6688;檳城北馬鍾氏公會04-227 0688;大山腳北馬鍾氏公會會所8,Lorong Tembikai 8, Perniagaan Perusahaan, Sungai Rambai, 14000 BM;鍾騅鑌012-527 3888,或自行在 http//:penangclan.blogspot.com下載表格

主席:鍾紹興,副:鍾凌坤、黃嘉禾、王遵宏、駱汶煥,秘書:鍾淑芳,副: 鍾未珊、黃偉展、許福泰、駱俐華,財政:鍾騅鑌,查賬:楊建發,營長:鍾淑君,副營長:鍾威登、鍾繡欣、鍾俊傑、黃毅沖、王墩紅、駱春月,節目/策劃:鍾未家(主任)、鍾淑鳳、鍾月蔭、鍾使廷、林豪泉、吳俊緯、林坤聯、黃祥耀、葉再盛、呂培穩、周艾媚、呂寶恬、林春進、鍾偉傑、梁智量、黃佳偉、謝賢勤、駱奕豪、駱秋霓,督導及紀律股:鍾威權、汪家倫、洪玉璇,報名股:鍾琇晴、鄭麗鳳、黃清木、駱俊達,攝影股:鍾寶環、陳鎮湧,物品/膳食股:鍾美娟、呂孫川,招待股:鍾淑茱、陳素仙,手冊股:洪東凱(主任)、鍾威民、鍾慧萍,音響股:鍾徵澄、柯仕亮、周惠櫻,救護股:林福泉,儀式股:吳漢仁、駱俐華、洪曉冰,場地/布置股:鍾越平、謝錦輝,宣傳股:洪玉璇,徵求股:鍾鎔懃(主任)、駱山尼、謝川偉、鍾慶先、鍾寶椿、鍾玉娥、郭素岑、黃福興、張德明、呂振和、孫培華、洪清助、梁浩輝、黃世慶、梁偉宏、謝耕偉、梁偉民、楊建發、方志偉、曾家麟、駱松佑、許凱毅,委員: 凡無擔任以上任何職位之各青年團代表為當然委員。

Friday, April 15, 2011







報名截止日期是5月31日或額滿為止,如以支票或郵政匯票付款,抬頭需註明“GABUNGAN BELIA PERSATUAN KLAN CINA PULAU PINANG”

報名地點:林氏忠孝堂(64,Noordin Street,電話:012-405 2465 / 04-262 6642)、梁星父子有限公司(155,Campbell Street,手機:012-416 6511)、鐘鎔懃(213, Mk 12,Jalan Batu Maung,Bayan Lepas,手機:012-429 0083)、北海威省陳氏穎川堂(18,Jalan Kampong Paya,電話:04-331 0408)、柯仕亮(574,Jalan Air Itam,手機:019-471 4708)。


Saturday, March 26, 2011

2011 Penang CNY Photo Contest Prize Giving Ceremony

Date: 26th March 2011
Location: Canon Malaysia, Penang Branch, Anson Road, Penang

Student Category Winners
Media Category Winners
Open Category Winners
All winners with guest of honour YB Wong Hon Wai
First Prize winners from each categories, (from right) Yew Tiam Seong from Open Category, Gary Chen Wei Hong from Media Category and Winnie Lee Qiao En from Student Category.
First 3 prizes winners from each categories

2011 Penang CNY Photo Contest Open Category Winners

Title: 龍騰賀歲
By: Yew Tiam Seong
First Prize

Title: 挽臉
By: Tai Lee Wen
Second Prize

Title: 廿四節令鼓
By: Ong Pang Wei
Third Prize

Title: 畫臉
By: Ooi Aik Lye
Commendation Prize

Title: Lion, Kids & Bunny
By: Lim Lean Eng
Commendation Prize

Title: 有誰來買我的孤單
By: Tan Siang Wei
Commendation Prize

Title: 喜氣洋洋過兔年
By: Tan Kean Leong
Commendation Prize

Title: 跨躍
By: Siew Chia En
Commendation Prize

2011 Penang CNY Photo Contest Student Category Winners

Title: Uniformity Through Culture
By: Winnie Lee Chiao En
First Prize

Title: Love & Joy
By: Lee Siau Hui
Second Prize

Title: Dance of the Dragon
By: Andrei Tan
Third Prize

Title: 姐姐,給我一串
By: Yeoh Xin Yi
Commendation Prize

Title: New Age X Old Trade
By: Lee Siau Hui
Commendation Prize

Title: Festive Drum
By: Andrei Tan
Commendation Prize

Title: 1 Malaysia Chingay
By: Andrei Tan
Commendation Prize

Title: 復古少女
By: Lee Seng How
Commendation Prize

2011 Penang CNY Photo Contest Media Category Winners

Title: 燈籠煙火齊爭艷
By: Chen Wei Hong
First Prize

Title: 祥龍賀新歲
By: Chuah Khye Kok
Second Prize

Title: 人肉象棋擂台
By: Chan Boon Kai
Third Prize

Title: 兔寶寶來賀年
By: Chiang Kee Chuan
Commendation Place

Title: 苦力小賭解鄉愁
By: Chuah Khye Kok
Commendation Prize

Title: 張燈結彩迎廟會
By: Chuah Khye Kok
Commendation Prize

Title: 新時代,古情懷
By: Chen Wei Hong
Commendation Prize

Title: 晝夜邊際,鬼斧神工
By: Chan Boon Kai
Commendation Prize

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Thank you and see you@Year of the Dragon!

The Penang CNY Cultural & Heritage Celebration檳城街頭文化廟會 2011 working committee would like to salute everyone who had directly or indirectly involved in this year event. There was some tiny rain though, but we can feel your passion and eager devotion during your visit or to help to make this a successful event again.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Launching of Penang CNY Celebration 2011 Mascots

Preview of Penang CNY Celebration 2011's mascots carried the names as Perfection(second from right,圓圓,Yuan Yuan) and Cosumate(second from left,滿滿,Man Man) on 10th February 2011. Penang State Executive Councillor YB Wong Hon Wai (left) and Organising Committee Chairperson Ms Ang Yee Shyuan (right) hanging tags for these mascots.

Penang CNY 2011 Full Itinerary Lite and Hi Res Version

We just posted the Penang CNY Celebration 2011 full itinerary in High Resolution and Lite (Low Resolution) versions. You may download from the links as below:

Lite Version click here.
High Resolution click here.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Preview of Penang CNY Celebration 2011's Areas on Map

For shutterbugs who had prepared yourself, you may view the map for the location of Secretariat to hand over yours entry forms. You can check out the areas in the Heritage Sites which will hold all kind of events.

Penang CNY Celebration 2011 Latest Pamphlet

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Working Committee

These are part of the Working Committee Members to make sure another successful event.

Lanterns Lighting Ceremony

This is one of the most significant event, lighting of lanterns in George Town UNESCO World Heritage Sites as the prelude of 2011 Penang CNY Cultural & Heritage Celebration.

Don't forget to join us on 12th February 2011, see you there!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Penang CNY Celebration Photo Contest 2011

Do you own a camera, no matter digital camera or film camera? If the answer is yes, come to Penang on 12th February 2011 and take up the challenge!

This is the inagural Chinese New Year Cultural and Heritage Celebration Photo Contest to be host during the day of the event, which falls on 12th February 2011, around George Town World Heritage Sites, Penang. The cash and prizes of this competition worth more than RM10,000.

This event covers Armenian Street, Ah Quee Street, Acheh Street, Cannon Street, Chulia Street, Kapitan Keling Mosque Road, Soo Hong Lane and Kampong Kolam in George Town World Heritage Sites.

The competition is co-organized by Penang Press Club, and sponsored by Canon and comprises into three categories,

(1) Media Category (Press Club members only)

(2) Student Category (Students of all academic levels)

(3) Open

Your missions are very simple, anything related to cultural events, performances, stage shows and people. Photos that you wish to submit must show the atmosphere, feelings and lively ambience of Chinese New Year Cultural & Heritage Celebration appeared in the areas as mentioned above on 12th February 2011.

For further details, please contact the person in charge Mr Ang Tong Kai (019-4138738) or email:

Rules and entry form is ready for download, you may follow us at facebook for updates too.










Saturday, January 22, 2011

Update of 2011 Penang CNY Celebration

Lanterns hung up by organiser along Lebuh Armenian (from Cheah Si Hock Haw Kong Kongsi to Poh Hock Seah). Lighting ceremony expected to take pace on 27th January 2011.
Part of the lanterns sponsored by Kek Lok Si Temple, Penang.
The main arch at Main Entrance, a unique shape compared to years before.

Main stage being setting up.
Rooftop of main arch made by plywood, first to do so, reduce the usage of polystyrene, then we have to spend extra on plywood.